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STEAM Summer Camp

LED Communications

From July 25th-29th, some of our AGS students signed up for the STEAM Camp. This camp was developed to give our students practical hands-on experience in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM).

Throughout the week, students got to explore a variety of areas, such as:

  • Collecting sweetgrass for the traditional masks, Gordon Sparks will be making for the community.

  • A photography workshop with Jennifer Thompson. They recorded and photographed activities throughout the week.

  • Learning how to work with some woodworking tools such as a Shaper Router, Glowforge laser cutter, and engraver.

  • Building and coding a Robomaster robotic set program.

  • Flying drones

  • Using a Tinkercad to build 3D objects for our 3D printers.

  • Learning about slopes with Mr. Patrick and his marble activity.

  • Visiting Dale Smearer's wood shop, where we sourced our wood to make feather boxes.

  • Selling our handcrafted items at the Powwow.

Overall it was a very successful and engaging week filled with so many learning opportunities for our students! We look forward to creating these learning opportunities again next summer for students who may be interested in STEAM activities and projects.

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